Indiana Professional Educators, Inc.
"Educators by Calling, Professionals by Choice"

School teachers and educational professionals working in public education as well as college education students who are planning on becoming certified teachers are eligible to apply for membership in IPE. Membership includes $1 million professional liability insurance.
IPE is a voluntary membership association of independent public school professionals from Indiana.

New Members: All new members pay the $107.00 membership. Your insurance is in effect once we have received your application, copy of your professional license and dues. You may complete the application here and use Paypal OR you may download and print out the application and send along with a copy of your license and your check/money order/e-check to: IPE, P.O. Box 200, Crown Point, IN 46308
Renewing Members: Invoices will be sent to you in late March/early April to address on file. Your insurance is in effect once we receive your dues. Please keep us updated on your contact information and if you have retired.
Early Bird: The Early Bird Special is available to members in good standing if renewal payment is received no later than July 31st. You will have received an invoice from us if you qualify for the discount. If using PayPal, the Early Bird payment to submit is $101.00. If you're not sure you qualify for this, contact us.
Referrals: Current members who refer a new member to IPE will receive a $10.00 gift!

Provides professional liability insurance to licensed educators in Indiana. Members also receive IPE benefits, newsletters, legislative updates, legal assistance and voting rights. New members must include copy of current teaching license. $107/year
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Includes $4.25 Paypal processing fee or total of $111.25
Paypal fees subject to change without notice

Associate Membership

Retired teachers who have dedicated their lives to this noble profession are welcome to join as Associate Members.
Liability insurance and voting rights are not included with this membership.
Click for
Include $1.05 Paypal processing fee or total of $16.05
Paypal fees subject to change without notice

Student Membership
Provides professional liability insurance to students or adults who are entering the certified teaching profession. Must include copy of college transcript.
Voting rights are not included with this membership.
Click for
Includes $1.75 Paypal processing fee for total of $26.75
Paypal fees subject to change without notice

1) Click and print out application, complete by hand, and enclose copy of your professional license along with check/money order in an
envelope and snail mail to IPE.
2) Pay via Paypal and CLICK HERE TO SEND US AN EMAIL telling us you've done this. Please add invoice number on your payment if
you're an existing member. Send us the completed application and include copy of current, valid certification/license via snail mail to
address below OR (if you have access to scan/copy) email to us.
3) Pay via electronic check through your bank or financial institution. Please add invoice number on your e-check if you're an existing
member. Send us the completed application (including copy of current, valid certification/license) via snail mail
to address below OR (if you have access to scan/copy) email to us if you're a new member.
4) If an IPE member referred you, kindly list his/her name at the bottom on the application provided.
We cannot provide insurance coverage until application, license and payment have been received and processed!
PAYMENT ADDRESS: IPE, PO Box 200, Crown Point, IN 46308
Email address: indianaprofessionaleducators@gmail.com